Make it Ours
Buckham West Senior Center is excited to announce our new campaign “Make it Ours” and we would like to invite you to join us in our efforts!
This larger scale fundraiser has a lofty goal of $90,000 to pay off the mortgage left over from the vibrant building addition that is now serving this county. In 2018, with the generous donations of many individuals, groups and businesses, 1.6 million was raised for our new facility. We would really like to make this building the property of the senior community and free up this money for other purposes to better serve the senior community in our area.
If we were to have this debt paid off more focus could be applied to:
- Free and low cost programming for the 50 years plus population.
- Offering a full range of educational, recreational and health related programs.
- Providing support services and programs for family and professional caregivers.
- Providing access to resources for the senior community with organizations we partner with.
- Offering full meals along with educational programming at lunch time.
- Providing a place to congregate and socialize along with activities and special groups.
Thank you for considering a donation to help us reach the goal of making this fantastic facility ours a reality. There are many community members who utilize and benefit from our programs and facility every day. Some may simply participate in a class or activity, some may come and socialize with friends over a cup of coffee and some may come to utilize resources and have a homemade meal.
In 2025 we will have been active in this community for 55 years and we can’t wait to serve you for 55 more!
There are two easy ways to donate:
Use the form below or stop in or mail your donation to:
Buckham West
19 Division St West
Faribault, MN 55021